Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Astrology as Poetry

Like all ancient systems of knowledge, astrology embraces everything and leaves nothing outside. It mirrors life´s wholeness and therefore it has a deeply poetical dimension.

Life and existence cannot be correctly perceived in case the inherent poetry is not allowed to shine through. Even the prosaic things of life have their quiet poetry.

Everything is in the eye of the beholder!

It is part of reality´s nature to have a poetic dimension. And reality – it consists both of the perceived and the perceiver!

You cannot remove poetry from reality without doing violence to life. Poetry – not necessarily written poetry but rather what I would like to refer to as the poetic dimension of existence – speaks softly, touches deep feelings and makes everything belong together and mean something.

Remove poetry - and reality gets dull, hard, cold, insecure and unreal. Things are put up against each other. What belongs together is separated. The whole is broken apart. Meaning gets lost.

It is in the meaningful affinity of eveything that astrology has its place. It brings all things together, shows that all things have their context and meaning. All things are permitted to work together. Life becomes whole (and holy!). Also that which is difficult and painful has its meaning and place, is explained, listened to and integrated as a part of the one reality that we all share...

Your Galactic Gondolier