In the Kabbalah this polarity is shown by the way the two planets are positioned on the "Tree of Life". Anyone familiar with the Kabbalah knows that the planets of Astrology - even the newly discovered outer planets - have their allotted places on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. It appears that Uranus and Saturn occupy the opposite positions two and three among the Tree´s ten (plus one) "Sefirot". This means that they are opposite each other, each one heading one of the two outer pillars. Uranus is at the top of the "pillar of energy" (to the right in the diagram below) and Saturn is at the top of the "pillar of structure" (to the left in the diagram). And this is in full compliance with their astrological significances. The diagram shows the Astrological Tree of Life in its entirety.

Now, if the opposition between Uranus ("heaven") and Saturn ("earth") is an expression of the ultimate polarity of life, you soon realize that there must be something to bridge, combine and integrate these two opposites and to bring them to collaborate in a creative and life-sustaining way.
And there is! In a lofty view, opposites always appear to be different sides of the same thing, contrasting forces in a synergistic whole. Summer and winter may seem wide apart but seen in another perspective they make up a year. And so on.
The same of course goes for the opposites of heaven and earth and of spirit and matter. Our whole life is made possible by the integration of these two opposites. But what is it that makes them work together? What is it that overcomes the contradiction?
In the Kabbalah it is shown that it is the middle pillar - the "pillar of consciousness" - that holds together and unites the two extreme players - the pillar of energy/movement/expansion (to the right in the diagram) as opposed to the pillar of structure/matter/incarceration (to the left in the diagram).
In the Astrological Tree of Life, Neptune in the treetop represents the higher union of the opposites. Further down the middle pillar at the very heart of the Tree shines the Sun - another expression of the unity from which the yin and yang world takes shape.
So Kabbalah shows that it is consciousness itself that bridges the opposite poles - represented by movement (energy) and matter (structure) - and have them interact in the alchemical dance of life that we all take part in.
It is fascinating to see how Astrology and Kabbalah - the two ancient knowledge systems - can be reconciled in this wonderful way.
Your Galactic Gondolier