Both a Pisces Ascendant and Mercury it is only natural for me to approach Astrology as a Galactic Gondolier beneath the twinkling stars of the night sky…

If you want to come along on a tour please climb aboard and join my voyage through the waterways of Galactic Venice!
My website is in Swedish and is called Galaktiska Gondolen (The Galactic Gondola). It was launched back in 2008, on the 20th of October, at 05:06 PM, with the following birth chart:

Uranus in Pisces just above the eastern horizon right ahead at the prow strikes the theme. And of course the goal of the expedition is a broader and deeper view of reality - mirrored by Pluto in Sagittarius on Midheaven. What it will all mean in the end remains to be seen. Life's a giddy journey, after all!
I am preparing a gradual translation of my website into English. Part of the purpose of the blog is to introduce that translation. But I will also point out some of the marvels of Astrology as I steer the gondola through the starlit waterways …
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