What is the meaning of this?

The Moon reflects its faint light from deep below the keel of the Gondola in the water sign of Cancer. Cold and warmth, outer and inner, high and low, darkness and light...
Is there anything to reconcile the opposites? Perhaps even to bring them together in a higher and more fulfilling unity?
As the picture gradually becomes more clear there appears a beautiful and mysterious pattern in the chart of the Gondola - a pattern where all opposites (Jupiter-Moon and Uranus-Saturn) form diagonals in a "mystic rectangle".

The magic pattern - which also includes Chiron, the Healer, and the Lunar Nodes - in one stroke dissolves all potential trouble! The voyage of the Gondola is blessed and safe! What first seemed to be troublesome now appears to be a most beautiful and reassuring pattern of collaborating planetary aspects, an alchemical dance of the heavenly lights...
Your Galactic Gondolier

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