Monday, April 11, 2011

Astrology and Myth

These things never happened
But always are
- Sallust, on the myths

The word 'myth' nowadays tend to mean something like ”untruth” or even ”lie”, but the original meaning of the word was simply ”story” (from the Greek mythos).

Storytelling is as ancient as man. Tradition and knowledge have always been handed down through stories. Everything has its story. Storytelling is a way of interpreting reality in the form of poetry and drama.

Seasons, days and nights, births and deaths – life is made up of cycles going all the way back to the beginning and tuned to the orbits of the heavenly bodies. The ancients realized all this and related life on Earth to the movements of the Sun, Moon and the planets. They realized that the heavenly pattern penetrates and fills all life and everything that happens on the Earth.

The same pattern therefore also informed the stories, sagas, chants and rituals of man. The stories were attired in various garments during various epochs, in different places and among different peoples. Yet the inner core always remained the same. The very same pattern that fills and penetrates everything also filled the stories – the myths – and gave life to them. The myths of ancient heroes, gods and giants are therefore also the tales of the orbiting heavenly bodies.

Astrology shows an archetypal astral pattern which fills and penetrates all life and all movement. Everything is connected. Every epoch, every moment has its character, forming its specific pattern in the constantly changing kaleidoscope of being.

This follows from necessity since the original archetypal pattern is still here, penetrating everything, taking part in all change and also being mirrored in man and in his society, his psyche and body and in all of his life.

In this way the orbits of the Sun, Moon and planets mirror everything on Earth. Cyclic patterns are repeated and united to each other forming the web of life that is our universe and our world.

The same pattern that gives shape to everything also gives shape to the stories – mythos – of man. Therefore there is a deep and profound content in these stories. They speak in symbolic form about our lives. Therefore there is also a close connection between astrology and myth. Both mirror our life and the universal patterns and archetypes that flow forth from the great source of everything and that penetrate and inform all there is...

Your Galactic Gondolier

Friday, March 25, 2011

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

Seeing the planets and stars shine and twinkle upon the quiet evening sky is a most wondrous experience. So far away and yet in a way so close...

The Galactic Gondolier perceives the starry sky as a deeply poetic and beautiful part of life here on Earth. Silent twinkling stars accompany the Galactic Gondola as it slowly makes its way through the dark waters of the evening...

Your Galactic Gondolier

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Astrology as Poetry

Like all ancient systems of knowledge, astrology embraces everything and leaves nothing outside. It mirrors life´s wholeness and therefore it has a deeply poetical dimension.

Life and existence cannot be correctly perceived in case the inherent poetry is not allowed to shine through. Even the prosaic things of life have their quiet poetry.

Everything is in the eye of the beholder!

It is part of reality´s nature to have a poetic dimension. And reality – it consists both of the perceived and the perceiver!

You cannot remove poetry from reality without doing violence to life. Poetry – not necessarily written poetry but rather what I would like to refer to as the poetic dimension of existence – speaks softly, touches deep feelings and makes everything belong together and mean something.

Remove poetry - and reality gets dull, hard, cold, insecure and unreal. Things are put up against each other. What belongs together is separated. The whole is broken apart. Meaning gets lost.

It is in the meaningful affinity of eveything that astrology has its place. It brings all things together, shows that all things have their context and meaning. All things are permitted to work together. Life becomes whole (and holy!). Also that which is difficult and painful has its meaning and place, is explained, listened to and integrated as a part of the one reality that we all share...

Your Galactic Gondolier

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Also Mercury in Libra is forming a trine to Chiron and the North Lunar Node in Aquarius in the twelfth house of the Gondola. At the same time it forms a T-Square together with Jupiter in Capricorn in the eleventh house and the Moon in Cancer in the fifth house.

Mercury – Hermes of the Hellenes and Tehuti of the Egyptians – not only rules the Imum Coeli and the fourth house in Gemini but also the Descendant and the seventh house in the quiet sign of Virgo. The very ground from which the Gondola has sprung forth is of course a wish and a need to communicate.

Finally in the horoscope of the Gondola there is fittingly formed a grand water trine between Uranus in Pisces, Mars in Scorpio, and the Moon in Cancer.

Such is the wavy voyage of the remarkable and mysterious Galactic Gondola in its likewise remarkable and mysterious Galactic Venice while the glittering stars of the night are mirrored in the dark deep waters...

Your Galactic Gondolier

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Quiet Symphony

Let our gondola tour continue. High in the sky is standing distant Pluto, the god of death - Hades of the Hellenes - in the sign of Sagittarius. The goal of the journey is the discovery of the deeper or higher meaning of life.

Pluto is forming a sextile to the Sun at the stern in the sign of Libra in the seventh house of the Gondola. At the same time it is squaring Chiron and the North Lunar Node in Aquarius right ahead.

There is something powerful in this pattern, a quiet and friendly yet forceful power, emphasizing the essentials of life and a willingness to go deep into things.

Pluto rules the eighth house in the sign of Scorpio, where Venus – Aphrodite of the Hellenes – is silently reflecting her beautiful light. From Venus there is a trine to the Ascendant and a quintile to Chiron and the North Lunar Node in Aquarius in the twelfth house of the Gondola.

It is as if the planetary energies in quiet silence both surround and fill the Gondola with harmoniously colored lights in a sort of quiet symphony, where the only sound that can be heard is the slow oar strokes of the gondolier in the pitch black water through the starlit canals of Galactic Venice...

Your Galactic Gondolier

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Half Man Half Horse

Astrology is based on a correspondence between the planets of heaven and the inner world of man, a correspondence where one mirrors the other. The Discovery of a new heavenly body then means that some new awareness is added to man´s collective consciousness.

The discovery of Chiron inspired the awareness of an inner path of healing along with the development of man´s higher consciousness. Chiron of the myths was half horse and half man. Being abandoned by his parents - Saturn (or Chronos) in the shape of a horse and the sea nymph Philyra - he was taken care of by Apollo, the Sun god with the seven stringed lyre, who became his mentor, teaching him all kinds of arts.

A central theme in the mythology of Chiron is reunion. Man´s reunion both with heaven and earth.

Chiron as both man and horse is telling us that we need to renew our inner contact with the Earth, with our living Earth Cosmos, with our animal instincts and our feelings and also with darker sides of our subconcious. Overemphasis on rational thinking otherwise tend to alienate us more and more from life´s wholeness.

But we have not only lost our inner contact with the Earth and our instincts and feelings. Like Chiron, who was abandoned by his parents, we have also been cut off from our own divine origin. We feel "abandoned" and cut off from our own inner being, our own inner divinity. In this vulnerable state, Chiron, the wounded healer, extends a helping hand until we are able to take full responsibility for our own healing and thus regain our inner contact with both heaven and earth.

Chiron conjunct the North Lunar Node in the sign of Aquarius in the twelfth house in the birth (or launch) chart of the Gondola, hints at the deeply painful theme of humanity´s collective internal wound and the importance and necessity of balance and completeness...

Your Galactic Gondolier