Let our gondola tour continue. High in the sky is standing distant Pluto, the god of death - Hades of the Hellenes - in the sign of Sagittarius. The goal of the journey is the discovery of the deeper or higher meaning of life.

Pluto is forming a sextile to the Sun at the stern in the sign of Libra in the seventh house of the Gondola. At the same time it is squaring Chiron and the North Lunar Node in Aquarius right ahead.
There is something powerful in this pattern, a quiet and friendly yet forceful power, emphasizing the essentials of life and a willingness to go deep into things.

Pluto rules the eighth house in the sign of Scorpio, where Venus – Aphrodite of the Hellenes – is silently reflecting her beautiful light. From Venus there is a trine to the Ascendant and a quintile to Chiron and the North Lunar Node in Aquarius in the twelfth house of the Gondola.
It is as if the planetary energies in quiet silence both surround and fill the Gondola with harmoniously colored lights in a sort of quiet symphony, where the only sound that can be heard is the slow oar strokes of the gondolier in the pitch black water through the starlit canals of Galactic Venice...
Your Galactic Gondolier

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