Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Water, water
Holy mystery Heaven´s daughter

Everything reflects its time. That is what Astrology is basically all about. Like the starry night sky is reflected in the night's pitch black water, so every phenomenon reflects its time.

The chart for the launch and first oar stroke indicates the outline of how the Gondola and its Galactic Venice together form a mirror image of the cosmic moment that brought them into existence.

We have already noted that the Pisces Ascendant sets the keynote while the opposition between Uranus in the water sign Pisces at the prow and Saturn in the earth sign Virgo astern strikes a basic chord.

Uranus and Saturn... Ouranos and Chronos… Here ancient myths are woven into a rich tapestry depicting the voyage of the Gondola… Uranus in Pisces in contrast to Saturn in Virgo...

Can opposites reflect one another? Identify with each other?

In the astrological symbolism Uranus stands for intuition and innovations as well as liberation and revolution. Saturn represents the opposite - the rational, limited, established and constant. A similar contradiction exists between Pisces and Virgo - the intuitive contrasts with the rational, freedom with restriction, spirit with matter.

Incompatible opposites, it seems. Or perhaps not. Is not our whole life an extraordinary expression of the unlikely unifying of polarities? An alchemical dance constantly going on despite its seeming impossibility?

Is not the fate of man to integrate within his own being the opposite polarities of heaven and earth? Of spirit and matter?

And is this not what gives meaning to life and hopefully so also to its apparent contrary - death?

Your Galactic Gondolier

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