Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Half Man Half Horse

Astrology is based on a correspondence between the planets of heaven and the inner world of man, a correspondence where one mirrors the other. The Discovery of a new heavenly body then means that some new awareness is added to man´s collective consciousness.

The discovery of Chiron inspired the awareness of an inner path of healing along with the development of man´s higher consciousness. Chiron of the myths was half horse and half man. Being abandoned by his parents - Saturn (or Chronos) in the shape of a horse and the sea nymph Philyra - he was taken care of by Apollo, the Sun god with the seven stringed lyre, who became his mentor, teaching him all kinds of arts.

A central theme in the mythology of Chiron is reunion. Man´s reunion both with heaven and earth.

Chiron as both man and horse is telling us that we need to renew our inner contact with the Earth, with our living Earth Cosmos, with our animal instincts and our feelings and also with darker sides of our subconcious. Overemphasis on rational thinking otherwise tend to alienate us more and more from life´s wholeness.

But we have not only lost our inner contact with the Earth and our instincts and feelings. Like Chiron, who was abandoned by his parents, we have also been cut off from our own divine origin. We feel "abandoned" and cut off from our own inner being, our own inner divinity. In this vulnerable state, Chiron, the wounded healer, extends a helping hand until we are able to take full responsibility for our own healing and thus regain our inner contact with both heaven and earth.

Chiron conjunct the North Lunar Node in the sign of Aquarius in the twelfth house in the birth (or launch) chart of the Gondola, hints at the deeply painful theme of humanity´s collective internal wound and the importance and necessity of balance and completeness...

Your Galactic Gondolier

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