Yet, paradoxically, we also live in a world of form and structure. Everything has its shape, its structure. The form or structure is necessary as it provides continuity and preservation.
Movement and structure - how can they coexist?
The recently completed opposition between Uranus (movement, change) and Saturn (structure, shape) points to this contradiction. And certainly during the past couple of years we have all witnessed many an old structure that has been forced to adjust and make changes.
If we observe nature and the cosmos, we easily become aware that movement and change also in themselves have their own structure. Everything moves in cycles. Days and nights and seasons follow each other in an orderly manner.
We will also find that the forms and structures of nature are flexible. They have a built-in ability to move, grow and change!
So there is movement in structure and structure in movement! There is some yang in yin and some yin in yang. And so continues the ever-changing dance of our reality. The only invariant is change itself...
Your Galactic Gondolier

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