How come? Are not Uranian words like "modern" and "progressive" words that describe science? Well, they usually are. But that is not the whole picture. To a large extent modern science has already got stuck in its own dogma.
The new and revolutionary discoveries (Uranus) of quantum physics - which in reality belong to a future paradigm - have not really sunk into the minds of the science community at large. So we can easily observe a clear Uranus-Saturn polarity within science itself! The real polarity then is not so much between Astrology and modern science as such but rather between Astrology and the outdated materialistic and reductionist view of reality still clung to by mainstream science - despite the revolutionary new discoveries!
Possibly a future more expanded paradigm will allow science to collaborate with or at least tolerate Astrology in a constructive way. Possibly the materialistic and reductionist view will finally give way to a more expansive and all-embracing experience of reality...
Your Galactic Gondolier

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