The irregular orbit of Chiron brings together the polarities of Saturn and Uranus, earth and heaven, matter and spirit, rational thought and intuition...
Chiron of the myths was both horse and man. His name is from Greek cheir, meaning hand. Chiron was the teacher. The things he taught combined insight and skill. Perhaps it can be described through the word culture.
The heavenly body Chiron was suddenly discovered by the astronomer Charles Kowal at 10 AM on the 1st of November in 1977. It is remarkable that the horoscope of the discovery - when Chiron was "born" into human consciousness - has Sagittarius the Centaur rising!

Chiron´s Discovery, November 1, 1977, 10 AM, Pasadena, CA
The small planet was first named "Object Kowal" after its discoverer. The symbol of Chiron shows an O with a K on top. It soon came to be looked upon by the astrologers as a key - a key to man´s evolution of a higher consciousness.

Then occured that remarkable and truly magical thing that always seems to happen when a new heavenly body is discovered. The astronomers gave to the new planet a name from the Greek mythology that in a most remarkable and magical way fits into the astrological pattern. They chose the name Chiron.
The astrologers thankfully recognized the new planet´s role as a bridge between the traditional visible planets and the more newly discovered outer planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - which during the last three centuries have been incorporated into the astrological pattern.
Chiron´s discovery chart has Venus, Pluto, and the North Lunar Node in conjunction with Medium Coeli in the sign of Libra, suggesting the necessity of a renewed balance and harmony of human relations.
Neptune in Sagittarius in the 12th house forms a sextile to Pluto and the Lunar Node in Libra, suggesting the great importance of intuition and a spiritual outlook for man to reach a higher and more expanded and balanced state of mind.
The Sun - the portal between spirit and matter - conjunct Uranus and Mercury in Scorpio points to an impending - or perhaps already begun - deep revolution of the human mind...
Your Galactic Gondolier